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  Title Copies
Core Jini (2nd Edition) 
Edition: 2nd 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 0130894087 
ISBN 13: 9780130894083 
Professional Struts Applications: Building Web Sites with Struts, Object Relational Bridge, Lucene, and Velocity 
Edition: illustrated edition 
Year: 2003 
ISBN: 1861007817 
ISBN 13: 9781861007810 
Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library, PDF Version (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2001 
Core Java Web Server 
Year: 1998 
ISBN: 0130805599 
ISBN 13: 9780130805591 
Generic Programming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template Library 
Edition: 1 
Year: 1999 
ISBN: 0201309564 
ISBN 13: 9780201309560 
Concurrent Programming in Java™: Design Principles and Pattern, 2nd Edition 
Edition: 2 
Year: 1999 
ISBN: 0201310090 
ISBN 13: 9780201310092 
Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied (C++ In-Depth Series) 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2001 
Experiences of Test Automation: Case Studies of Software Test Automation 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2012 
Exceptional C++: 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions 
Year: 1999 
ISBN: 0201615622 
ISBN 13: 9780201615623 
Building Java Enterprise Systems with J2EE 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 0672317958 
ISBN 13: 9780672317958